Digital Policy

A digital policy is a securely and verifiable digitally signed document that gives validity to the insurance contract made in accordance between the Insured and the Insurer. It has juridical and legal validity since it can demonstrate the document falsification and make sure of who has signed it.

It is a type of electronic signature certified by an accredited service provider that has been created using means that the holder maintains under his exclusive control, so that it is linked only to himself and the data to which it refers, allowing the subsequent detection of any modification, verifying the identity and preventing you from knowing the integrity of the document and its authorship.

A digital certificate is a set of data that allows: the identification of the Certificate holder; exchange information with other people and entities in a secure manner; and digitally sign documents in such a way that their integrity and provenance can be verified. The recognized digital certificate is the one issued by a Certification Service Provider authorized by the Application Authority.

  1. Receipt of the policies in PDF format through your email.
  2. The Policy is dispatched faster. 2) Reduction of paper printing.
  3. You can view your policy on any device where you have access to your email, access to the Insured’s APP, or access to your Web System.
  4. It allows to verify the authorship and identity of the signer and the integrity of the digital document.

To certify the validity of the digital signature, two files are required, which are available for downloading at the following link: . If you want to know how to install them, you must follow the steps found in the attached document.

If you want insurance with a Digital Policy, you must indicate in the Insurance Proposal by checking the DIGITAL box and mentioning the email to which you want us to send you for download. It should be noted that the DIGITAL POLICY is available for all types of Insurance that Seguro del Este offers.

After signing the Insurance proposal and checking the Digital box, the Production Department verifies the Proposal data and once is authorized, the policy with Digital Signature is issued. In this issuance process, and according to the insurance purchased, the digitally signed documents are: The Insurance Policy, the Invoice, the Green Card. When these documents are digitally signed, an operator generates the sending of the mail that you have mentioned in the proposal. Once the mail reaches your inbox, you can open and download your purchased insurance documents.

The generation of the email occurs within 24 hours after the policy is issued and is sent to the email address that you have mentioned in the Insurance proposal. In order to verify the problem, we ask that you can contact us by the following means:

  1. Through our website in Contact:
  2. Through an email to the mail:
  3. Calling 021 616-5000 asking for the IT Department.

Check if you have an internet connection. If so, please can you provide us with a print or a capture of the error in order to verify the problem, and send us an email to the following email:

What is the most suitable coverage for me?

A consultant producer can provide you with all the necessary information so that you can safely contract this product or the one that best suits your needs.

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